Class Holiday parties!
In School Dates: Oct. 25 – 31
OPEN A WORLD OF POSSIBLE at the Scholastic Book Fair
You can also order online at http://www.scholastic.com/bf/byrom
Hours to be posted soon.
Thank you
The Book Fair Committee
The children run for 20-30 minutes and earn money from your pledges per lap, or a flat pledge for the event. The schedule of the running will be posted a few days ahead of time. Please come out and cheer for your student!
Helpers are also needed all along the way. If you can help the day of, that would be fantastic!
Leading up to the Jog-a-thon:
Preparing pledge packets: Stapling pledge envelopes, attaching labels
Decorate school with posters, JAT info
Recording pledges prior to event
T-shirt Distribution Work Party
Day of help required:
Lap counters
Water station
Classroom helpers
Runners to/from counting room
Recorders in counting room
Post Jog-a-thon:
Recording returned pledges