
WHAT is the Byrom PSO?

The Byrom PSO is the Byrom Elementary Parent School Organization Foundation. Its purpose it to provide enhancements for the learning environment of our school and promote the welfare of our children in their home, school and community. This includes providing funds for teaching assistants, grade level enrichment, classroom supplies, family nights and other programs that have a positive impact on the education of our children and community.

WHO is the Byrom PSO?

YOU are. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the organization simply by having children enrolled at the school. This isn’t limited to the people who serve on the PSO board, or who run the big activities like the Byom Benefit or jog-a-thon. All families have an opportunity to serve and be heard through this organization.
Downloadable versions of the papers in your packet.

Forms and payments may be returned to the school through your child’s teacher, the office staff, or dropped in the PSO box in the school lobby.

WHEN does the Byrom PSO Meet?

The Byrom PSO is active in one way or another nearly every day at the school. PSO meetings are generally held the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 in the Byrom Library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

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