What: Pajama and Movie Night When: February 24th, 7-8:30 pm Where: Byrom Cafeteria
Who: All Byrom families
Cost: FREE! Snacks provided.
How about dinner out and Byrom receives 20% of your check? It’s happening at California Pizza Kitchen at Bridgeport Village on Tuesday, Dec. 9. You must bring the flyer being sent home with your child to the restaurant.
Drive-By Can Drive
For Caring Closet
Oct. 21, 6-7 p.m.
Oct. 22, before 8 a.m.
after 2:15 p.m.
Byrom is participating in a can and water bottle drive for the Caring Closet. Save your cans and water bottles and donate them outside at Byrom to help us provide families in our school district with much-needed shoes, clothing and other necessities.
It would help us tremendously if you could sort your plastic and aluminum BEFORE dropping them off at Byrom!
Please no Gatorade OR glass bottles!
The Byrom Jog-A-Thon was a huge success with Bobcat students finishing a total of 4,541 laps. Those laps and your children’s hard work resulted in reaching the $15,000 school fundraising goal. Thank you to all the parent volunteers, teachers, people who donated and everyone who participated.
The children run for 20-30 minutes and earn money from your pledges per lap, or a flat pledge for the event. The schedule of the running will be posted a few days ahead of time. Please come out and cheer for your student!
Helpers are also needed all along the way. If you can help the day of, that would be fantastic!
Leading up to the Jog-a-thon:
Sept. 16 (9 am) — Packet work party (stapling pledge envelopes, attaching labels)
Sept. 18 (1 pm) — Decorate school with posters, JAT info
Sept 25/ Oct 1 (Time TBD) — Recording pledges prior to event
Oct 1 (9 am) — T-shirt Distribution Work Party
Day of help required:
Lap counters
Water station
Classroom helpers
Runners to/from counting room
Recorders in counting room
Post Jog-a-thon:
Oct 18– Recording returned pledges
Local businesses or restaurants partner with the school and agree to donate a portion of their profits on a given night. You get to have a night out, and the school gets something back. Watch for flyers to be sent home as each event comes closer. Some of the businesses that have supported us are Bullwinkle’s, Burgerville, Applebee’s and more.