— Scrip Contest Underway —
Runs Until Monday, Nov. 17
Participate in the first contest of the year.
Currently there is a Byrom Scrip contest, which runs through Monday, Nov. 17. For every $25 ordered, your student earns one entry into a drawing. There will be one winner per grade level. This is the perfect opportunity to get started on your holiday shopping while helping your child’s teacher earn money for his or her classroom.
Forms have been sent home with students, or are available on this website: here, or on the Home page. Fill it out and drop it in the PSO box in the Byrom lobby with a check written to Byrom PSO (or send it to school with your child). Orders are processed on Mondays with cards going home on Thursdays.
COLUMBIA STORE PASSES! New this year, Columbia Store Employee Passes are part of every $50 Columbia gift card purchased (one pass per $50 gift card). This is only a promotional deal and have limited quantities. The passes are good through Jan. 4, 2015. The passes work for online purchases at the discounted price as well.