Register your family for this fun 5k Thanksgiving morning put on by Marathon Kids and all proceeds benefiting our backpack program. Register here: https://www.active.com/tualatin-or/running/races/wobble-till-we-gobble-2023

Register your family for this fun 5k Thanksgiving morning put on by Marathon Kids and all proceeds benefiting our backpack program. Register here: https://www.active.com/tualatin-or/running/races/wobble-till-we-gobble-2023
Join us for an open house style-event where you can meet and mingle with fellow Byrom Parents and help stock the ‘Wine Pull’ fundraiser for this year’s BB24 event being held on May 4, 2024.
WHO: You! Don’t know anyone? No worries, lots of parents spanning all grades at Byrom will be attending. (Please note this is a non-kid event.)
WHAT: Join us for a glass of wine and bring a bottle(s) with a list price of $20 or more to donate to this year’s Wine Pull event which will take place at the Bobcat Benefit 2024 in May!
If you are unable to attend in person that’s ok, we will have a drop off location available the night of, as well as, 2 more parties in the new year. Look out for more information about our January and March parties!
WHEN: Thursday, 11/16/23 starting at 6:30pm, open house style.
WHERE: The Force Residence
Kelly & Ryan Force
22112 SW 109th Terrace
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser: Kicks off this week and runs through 11/24. Look for packets coming home with students!
Register at www.registercw.com Organization ID 18841. You can order directly through the site and items ship straight to your home!
The Byrom Elementary PSO provides kid friendly meals and snacks to students with food insecurities. We send home these Backpacks filled with food on Fridays before the students leave school for the weekend. With rising food costs, loss of a key sponsor, and additional students needing this program, we need additional help. Your donation is greatly appreciated!
Ways to contribute